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To run sitescooper, you need to have Perl installed on your HotSync machine. Most UNIX machines will have this, but Windows or Mac users may have to install it themselves (instructions are included in the sitescooper documentation).
RedHat/SuSE users: download RPMs here: the sitescooper scripts and modules, and the site files:
Debian users: download the scripts .deb and the site files .deb. Many thanks to michael d. ivey <ivey /at/> for providing these files! (BTW sitescooper is now part of the Debian unstable tree!)
Other UNIX users: download the full tarball, including all required Perl modules; or, if you are sure you have up-to-date versions of the LWP modules installed, just sitescooper.
Windows: download the full zip file, including all required Perl modules; or, if you are sure you have up-to-date versions of the LWP modules installed, just sitescooper.
MacOS: download the full zip file, including all required Perl modules; or, if you are sure you have up-to-date versions of the LWP modules installed, just sitescooper.
The README file.
The CHANGES file.
Read the latest change news (and random musings) at jmason's Advogato diary.
Download the nightly development snapshot for UNIX:
Download the nightly development snapshot, Windows format zip file:
Download the nightly development snapshot, Mac format zip file:
Browse the Sourceforge CVS Repository.